
Social Responsibility

2 min

The Overview

Social responsibility is a key ingredient in business development in order to innovate on today's globalized market. The ecological aspect is often highlighted, as it should, but social equity and economic prosperity also needs to be taken into account in order to achieve sustainability in the truest sense. The importance of a shared set of values throughout an entire organization and its supply chain cannot be understated. Therefore, it is important to gain a collective understanding for long-term consequences and an appreciation for long-term thinking to secure responsibility and quality across the business as a whole.

The Commitment

Nord A1's commitment is to strive to develop-, produce-, and offer products and services with high sustainability performance to contribute to a sustainable future and to maintain and develop a high ecological industry standard. In practice, this means to continuously strive to improve energy efficiency, reduce waste and scrappage, and eliminate or reduce pollution and emissions in all aspects of the business. Our actions revolve around setting high collective standards and frequently revising internal and external processes, to ultimately optimize the network configuration and minimize transport intensity.

We engage in promotion with a selected group of foundations to fight for animal rights and against human trafficking, as well as support against the water crisis in Africa. Tree plantation is also done in relation to sales to battle forest deforestation. Despite a bigger geographical spread in comparison to a local or national business, we are still determined to remain sustainable in all of our international affairs. It is important to continuously drive innovation and continue to develop quality products with long lifespans. Our smart hybrids are designed with graceful degradation to reduce energy consumption, and they are also designed in a way that enables us to improve them over time even after the purchase: prolonging the product lifespans.

The Future

Innovation is one of the key components to continue to reap the benefits from globalization, with business sophistication and technological development being two other important components. The competitive advantage will be derived from revising the technology from both a user- and energy standpoint. Our work is set to create more incentives, which then puts pressure on our competitors, resulting in a forward-thinking and sustainable industry that becomes more attractive to stakeholders and the outside world, which ultimately helps to reach the conditions and principles asserted by the UN.

Offices across the globe.